[[en]]Inspired by nature[[cz]]Inspirováno krásou přírody
[[en]]Bespoke floral studio based in Prague. Inspired by life, people and nature, powered by joy and passion. We love to use seasonal and unique blooms that reflect the beauty of the current season. Beautiful, thoughtful and artistic work is what we believe in. It means a lot to us to infuse your personality into the visual aesthetics of the event and so creating a truly memorable and tailored experience.[[cz]]Pražské květinové studio založené s láskou, inspirované přírodou, lidmi a uměním. Těšíme se na setkání a spolupráci s Vámi.
[[en]]We DO what we LOVE. FLORAL and EVENT DESIGN done with love and profound passion and joy! We work closely with you to understand your preferences, desires, colour schemes, themes and overall vision of your event. Every single project is sincerely treated with love and care.[[cz]]Především děláme to, co máme moc rádi! Design s láskou a radostí. Necháváme se inspirovat a citlivě, promyšleně tvoříme a navrhujeme pro Vás.